FlexiGraft® Whole Patellar with Extensor Mechanism

FlexiGraft® Whole Patellar Tendon with Extensor Mechanism
FlexiGraft whole patellar tendon with extra quad tendon is used to reconstruct the knee’s extensor mechanism.
- Convenience: No time-consuming harvest required.
- Patient-friendly: Eliminates donor site morbidity and associated pain from autograft recovery. This makes the procedure less invasive and potentially decreases OR time. Less OR time can mean less time under anesthesia and less tourniquet time.1
- Sterile: Patellar tendons are sterilized using proprietary and patented Allowash XG® technology. This provides a sterility assurance level (SAL) of 10-6, without compromising the construct’s inherent biomechanical properties.
Clinical Application
Extensor Mechanism Reconstruction
1. Oro et al. Autograft Versus Allograft: An Economic Cost Comparison of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Arthroscopy2011; 27(9):1219-1225